Alan Haigh
Active Senior, Research and Innovation,
European Commission
Alan Haigh is a European Commission Active Senior, reporting to the Deputy Director General of DG Research and Innovation. He has managed EC Research and Innovation programmes since 2004 as a Head of Unit, and between 2014 and 2021 as Head of Department. At the European Commission INEA agency, he was responsible for implementing 5.6 billion Euro of Research and Innovation projects in the fields of energy, transport, CCS and hydrogen. He recently presented at the Energy Exports Conference in Aberdeen, Scotland, and at the EGYPES Energy Conference in Cairo, Egypt.
He started his career in the UK nuclear industry (UKAEA), initially at Harwell Nuclear Laboratories, Oxfordshire, and later as a physicist at the JET Fusion experiment. He holds a BSc in Physical Sciences (Coventry University) and is a Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.) and a Chartered Member of the Institute of Physics (CMIoP)
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