Conference Overview

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23-24 October

Carbon Capture Technology Expo will host Europe's must-attend techno-economic conference focusing on the development of carbon capture, storage, and utilisation solutions. The event takes place alongside Hydrogen Technology Conference featuring a total of 6 conference tracks that will take place simultaneously with conference attendees and speakers having the option to move freely between the different sessions. All attendees will receive the conference proceedings of the presentations from all 6 conferences.

Strategic Forum

Carbon Capture, Utilisation, Storage & Blue Hydrogen

Hydrogen Production

Systems Integration & Infrastructure

Fuel Cell Design, Development, & Manufacturing

E-Fuels & Hydrogen Propulsion


Strategic Forum

Our Strategic Forum will address policy, regulations and finance in the hydrogen and carbon capture sectors. The forum will bring together leading voices from the public and private spheres to present on the following topics:

  • Hydrogen and Carbon Capture targets being set by governments.
  • Infrastructure development: Policymakers developing the necessary infrastructure for the hydrogen and carbon capture economies including hydrogen hubs, pipelines, storage facilities and transportation.
  • Permitting and licensing for operational facilities to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Safety and Quality standards.
  • Research and development funding: Investment from both governments and private entities into cutting edge R&D projects.
  • Green finance and incentives: Financial institutions offering green bonds, loans, and investment opportunities.
  • Workforce development to secure the future of the hydrogen technology and carbon capture sectors.
  • Equity and Energy Justice.

2-Day Conference Programme - 23-24 October

Carbon Capture, Utilisation, Storage & Blue Hydrogen

Hydrogen Technology Conference & Expo will be co-located with  Carbon Capture Technology Expo which will be a 2-day conference dedicated to discussing the role of carbon capture in decarbonising heavy industry and how the combination of CCS and hydrogen will play a key role in the transition to creating a CO2-neutral energy supply. Join leading experts from the oil and gas sectors, renewable energy companies, NGO’s, government environmental and energy departments, engineering consultants, and a wide range of industries that are leading the charge in the deployment of carbon capture utilisation and storage solutions. Topics will include, but not be limited to:

  • Impact and potential of CCS on achieving global climate mitigation targets
  • Application in heavy and ‘hard-to-decarbonise’ sectors
  • CCS and hydrogen production
  • Commercialisation – cost reduction, investment, and building the business model for CCS
  • Policy updates and global regulation,
  • Carbon pricing and carbon taxing
  • Updates from latest CCS projects
  • CO2 capture and separation – pre-combustion, post-combustion, oxyfuel combustion
  • Transportation solutions, compression, handling, and distribution
  • Storage – selection, planning, construction, and monitoring suitable storage sites
  • Testing – simulation, safety testing, durability, performance, certification
  • Materials – membranes, absorbents, activated carbon materials, MOFs
  • Utilisation – concrete, chemicals, polymers, fuels

2-Day Conference Programme - 23-24 October


Hydrogen Production

Bringing together hydrogen producers, energy majors, the oil and gas industry, pipeline operators, offshore wind and energy companies, utilities giants, port authorities, airports, renewable energy investors, engineering firms, heavy industry, steel producers, chemical and process industries, and technology suppliers, this conference will discuss and debate challenges, opportunities, and most importantly – solutions, to the emerging green hydrogen economy in Europe. Topics will include, but not be limited to:

  • Primary energy sources for low-carbon hydrogen production – solar, wind, biomass, nuclear
  • Blue & green hydrogen supporting decarbonisation efforts
  • Energy conversion – electrolysis, biochemical, thermochemical, reforming
  • Design, simulation, test, monitoring, and control solutions for hydrogen plants
  • Driving down the cost of low-carbon hydrogen
  • Business models for low-carbon hydrogen
  • Refuelling solutions
  • The role of green hydrogen in decarbonising heavy industry
  • Incorporating clean hydrogen into the renewable energy mix
  • Regulation and investment requirements to enable rapid scale-up and adoption

2-Day Conference Programme - 23-24 October


Systems Integration & Infrastructure

Hydrogen is now a central component embedded within the Energy System Integration Strategy in Europe. This track will explore what steps are being taken to fully integrate hydrogen into the wider energy mix.  Policy makers, hydrogen producers, regulators, system engineers, along with transportation and storage companies will look at ways to further stimulate efficient hydrogen infrastructure development whilst ensuring the integrity of global markets. Topics will include, but not be limited to: 

  • Planning of hydrogen transport, storage and dispatch infrastructure
  • Building and integrating a European and global network for green hydrogen distribution
  • Liquid hydrogen markets and integrity of internal gas market
  • Transporting and transforming energy at scale
  • Retrofitting gas infrastructure to accommodate hydrogen
  • Infrastructure project pipelines
  • Developing the hydrogen value chain
  • Hydrogen storage – liquefication, compression, material-based, hydride storage, sorbents
  • Buildings, heavy-duty transport, aviation, shipping, industrial processes

2-Day Conference Programme - 23-24 October


Fuel Cell Design, Development, & Manufacturing

Our Fuel Cell Design, Development, & Manufacturing track will bring together fuel cell manufacturers, materials suppliers, technical and engineering consultants, systems integrators, research institutes, NGO’s, as well as a wide range of end user markets to discuss the techno-economic challenges that must be overcome for wide scale commercialisation and adoption of hydrogen fuel cells. The two-day conference will prioritise presentations that showcase innovative solutions to drive down cost, increase efficiency, improve durability and reliability, and for scale-up for mass manufacturing. Topics will include, but not be limited to:

  • Fuel cell market forecasts and regulation
  • Fuel cell materials – SOFC, coatings, catalysts, composites
  • PEM and fuel cell stacks – latest developments and improvements
  • Test and development – simulation, durability, range and performance, safety, certification
  • Design and packaging, size, weight, and integration with mobile and stationary applications
  • Air, thermal, and water management
  • Cost reduction, manufacturing, and automation of production
  • New applications, marine, aerospace, E-VTOL, UAV, drone, and space technology

2-Day Conference Programme - 23-24 October


E-Fuels & Hydrogen Propulsion

The E-Fuels & Hydrogen Propulsion track will look at the latest developments around hydrogen fuels and propulsion. Increasing regulations which limit greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) from vehicles are causing a global re-think on transportation networks. Against this backdrop, the development of alternative fuels and conversion of internal combustion engines to hydrogen has sparked an innovative way of making the most out of new and existing technologies. Manufacturers, materials suppliers, technical consultants, research institutes, NGO’s, as well as a wide range of end users will look at how hydrogen-powered engines are finally starting to play a crucial role on the path towards decarbonised industry. Topics will include, but not be limited to:

  • Scalable hydrogen-based propulsion systems
  • Hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicles (HICEV)
  • Mature FCEV propulsion systems
  • Internal combustion engines
  • Dual-fuel flexibility conversion
  • Standalone powertrain solutions
  • Heavy-duty, aviation, marine and space applications

2-Day Conference Programme - 23-24 October

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  • ExxonMobil’s Low Carbon Solutions is committed to advancing the energy transition and being a part of a lower-emission future. It's leveraging its unique combination of capabilities, including technol ...

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